Marketing Consulting

“Marketing is a little bit strategy, a lotta bit humanity” - Amy Pons

How Can I


TLDR; full scale marketing strategies to earn longterm engagement

Marketing isn’t as simple as setting up communications in all of the different channels - you need to consider which channels (preferred, no spray and pray nor “blasts”), how to seamlessly weave your message through each and effectively retarget to ensure you meet your customer where they are.

I have personally been responsible for driving $100MM in incremental revenue annually by connecting to the human element and 1:1 strategy for audience segmentation, retargeting/conversion optimization, and automation.

I’m certified in both product management and product marketing

product manager certified

Claims to Fame

  • Marketing Strategy

    Understand and anchor to your “why”, then - understand and anchor to your customer’s “why” to build out your segmentation. You must be able to connect with your audience on a human level.

    My expertise is email marketing as it relates to tone/messaging/CTA’s for optimal conversion unique to your ideal customer.

  • Audience Segmentation

    Once you know their “why”, you can begin to group your customers in a way that makes sense for them as it relates to message but also channel - meet them where they are, don’t force them in a way that feels inauthentic to them. One size does not fit all.

    Please do not spray and pray, nor “blast” anyone.

  • Omnichannel

    Knowing the preferred channel of your customer is critical in building the omnichannel journey. The preferred channel gets them in the door, but you must ensure that you have a seamless, consistent message across all channels.

    Think - how to allow someone to move seamlessly through multiple channels e.g. phone, email, SMS, web, SEO, DM, social. etc.

  • Campaign Strategy and Execution

    Successful campaigns. are more than just a series of ads or promotions. It requires careful planning, research, and strategy to ensure that it resonates with your target audience and achieves your business goals. I excel at email marketing including deliverability (focused vs. other), tone/messaging/CTA, overall channel health and seamless connection for conversion.

  • Marketing Automation

    It's important to remember that marketing automation shouldn't be used as a way to remove the human element from marketing. While important to learn what works and set it into motion, check in often to ensure it is still working as intended and displaying correctly. Don’t set it and forget it.

  • A Sounding Board

    Sometimes, you feel really good about the strategy and are getting good results, but just want someone to bounce ideas off of once in a while - this is us. With almost 20 years of small and scaled marketing experience, I can help you understand tone, messaging, and effective calls to action.